The roadmap platform for high-performing teams.
The Problem
Examine and retrofit (where appropriate) ProductPlan’s 14-day first-time user experience from sign up, to getting a roadmap created, to sharing out a roadmap.
Improved contextual understanding of solving PM problems to help create a good first impression
Increased time to value/quick to wow
Increased user delight
Improvements agnostic of feature delivery
My Role
UX Designer
2-5 hours
Mapping the Current User Flow
I mapped out the current flow of how first-time users sign up, get their roadmap created, and share out their roadmap, and identified potential pain points for new users who are utilizing their 14-day free trial.
Potential Pain Points
Unable to change the view on certain templates
Unable to delete sample data (from templates) quickly and easily
Unable to customize roadmap view based on hours or days
Unable to preview templates before choosing one
Unable to switch templates once you’ve started working in one
Unable to add/change dates in some templates
Narrowing the Focus
How might we ensure that users are able to make stylistic changes to their roadmap to meet their needs? (Acknowledging the fact that their needs may change over time)
How might we ensure that users select the right template for them?
How might we prevent users from having to start a new template if the one they selected does not work for them?
Designing a Solution
After gathering data from my website analysis and desk research findings, I chose one potential problem to solve and test:
How we might ensure that users select a template that works for them?
Proposed Change
Existing overlay
Proposed change
The new user flow
Next Steps
Organize virtual user testing sessions with users who are new to ProductPlan &/or road mapping tools in general
Synthesize research findings
Iterate and test again